Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

National Initiatives


ANR Famous

Collaboration with Inria Rhône Aples, Université de Bretagne Sud, Université de Bourgogne, SME SODIUS

FAMOUS project aims at introducing a complete methodology that takes the reconfigurability of the hardware as an essential design concept and proposes the necessary mechanisms to fully exploit those capabilities at runtime. The project covers research in system models, compile time and run time methods, and analysis and verification techniques. These tools will provide high-quality designs with improved designer productivity, while guaranteeing consistency with the initial requirements for adaptability and the final implementation. Thus FAMOUS is a research project with an immediate industrial impact. Actually, it will make reconfigurable systems design easier and faster. The obtained tool in this project is expected to be used by both companies designers and academic researchers, especially for modern applications system specific design as smart camera, image and video processing, FAMOUS tools will be based on well established standards in design community. In fact, modeling will start from very high abstraction level using an extended version of MARTE. Simulation and synthesizable models will be obtained by automatic model to model transformations, using MDE approach. These techniques will contribute to shorten drastically time-to-market. FAMOUS is a basic research project. In fact, most of partners are academic, and its main objective is to explore novel design methodologies and target modern embedded systems architectures. FAMOUS project is funded by french Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR). It has also been labeled by Media & Network cluster in 2009. The involved resources reach 408 person-month, from five partners: the public research labs LIFL Inria (Lille), LabSTICC (Lorient), Inria Rhône-Alpes (Grenoble), LE2I University of Bourgogne (Dijon) and the SME company Sodius SAS (Nantes). It has started on December 2009, and it will last 48 months.

The ANR Open-People project

Partners: Université de Bretagne Sud (UBS)Lab-STICC, Inria Nancy Grand Est, Inria Lille Nord Europe, Université de Rennes 1 (UR1), Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNSA), THALES Communications (Colombes), InPixal (Rennes)

The Open-PEOPLE (Open Power and Energy Optimization PLatform and Estimator project is a national project funded by the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche), the French National Research Agency. The objective of Open-PEOPLE is to provide a platform for estimating and optimizing the power and energy consumptions. Users will be able to estimate the consumption of an application deployed on a hardware architecture chosen in a set of parametric reference architectures. The components used in the targeted architecture will be chosen in a library of hardware and software components. Some of these components will be parametric (such as reconfigurable processors or ASIP) to further enlarge the design space for exploration. The library will be extensible; users will have the possibility to add new components, according to the evolution of both applications and technology. Open-PEOPLE is definitely an open project. The software platform for conducting estimation and optimization, will be accessible through an Internet portal. This software platform will be coupled to an automated hardware platform for physical measurements. The measurements needed to build models for new components to be added in the library will be remotely controlled through the software platform. A library of benchmarks will be proposed, to help building models for new components and architectures.

Competitivity Clusters

We collaborate with the L2EP (Université de Lille1) inside the research pole MEDEE, especially in the first action: industrialization of Code_CARMEL.

Within Inria

We collaborate with colleagues within Inria with the Triskell team at Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique) on the analysis of DSMLs and on the formal definition of Kermeta.